Future Teachers of America and seniors interested in pursuing a career in teaching attended the Missouri Educators for Tomorrow’s Schools Conference at Missouri State University - West Plains. They attended multiple sessions presented by area teachers who discussed what “a day in the life” of a teacher looks like at different grade and content levels.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R III
Early this morning, our bus barn was destroyed in a fire. Firefighters are still on the scene. We were able to move the buses and we will have school today. Buses should run at normal times.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
In congruence with their Beginning Teaching Program, a group of second year educators spent an amazing day with Mike Rutherford, author of The Artisan Teacher: A Field Guide to Skillful Teaching. It was a great day of learning and collaboration.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R III
Five MVBT teachers attend conference with Mike Rutherford.
Our awesome MVBT office staff met for lunch to celebrate the completion of a huge task they recently finalized. At the beginning of this school year, the office staff worked tirelessly to transition to a new student information system. Then, due to challenges beyond our district’s control, the office staff had to transition back to the previous system. Since the beginning of this school year, they have spent hours at their computers getting all of our student and teacher data perfected! Our office staff have conquered a task that is nothing short of miraculous! These ladies are greatly appreciated, highly respected, and absolutely the best!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
secretary lunch
Throughout the year we will be recognizing our awesome Eagle staff members. Here are the days we are going to designate as Eagle Recognition Days for the 2022-2023 school year. (We have tried to schedule these days to reflect national or state recognition days. )
over 2 years ago, Lanna Tharp
Eagle Recognition Days
Dear Parents. Some of our older students who ride a bus from Birch Tree Elementary to the middle school and high school have found it difficult to have enough time to eat breakfast before needing to go to their first class. To help alleviate this time crunch, the last bus to leave Birch Tree Elementary to take students to the high school and middle school will depart at 7:25 am starting on Monday, Oct. 17. If you drive your child to the school to catch this bus, please make sure that you get them there prior to 7:25. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Don Christensen
We would like to honor one of our LMS students for being the September Student of the Month award winner given by Andrea McNew, Shelter Insurance! Kierstyn Mayer is a wonderful student that puts her best foot forward every day & we appreciate her! Enjoy your gift card, Kierstyn!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Chowning
Don’t forget that today is a half-day of school due to Homecoming. We hope to see everyone at the parade at 2:00. The Homecoming ceremony starts at 6:00. Eagles vs. Panthers at 7:00.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Each month, Andrea McNew from Shelter Insurance presents an LHS student with a Student of the Month certificate and gift card. For the month of September, Levi Roberts, a senior, was awarded the certificate for being a respectful student. Congratulations, Levi, and thank you Shelter Insurance!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R III
Good morning, from a few retro LMS teachers. These teachers have really gone above and beyond to show their Eagle Spirit! Don’t forget that school dismisses early tomorrow (half day) for our Homecoming parade. We hope to see everyone at the parade at 2:00! The Homecoming ceremony is at 6:00 and the Eagles will face the Panthers at 7:00.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Don’t miss this. MVBT families living in Shannon, Texas, or Howell county are welcome to attend.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
car seat check
Last week, BTE celebrated National Dot Day. It was a day to celebrate and to focus on the fact that we can do anything we put our minds to!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
BTE dots
Mrs Duckett, one of our 5th grade teachers, made new signs for Mountain View Elementary. Thank you, Mrs. Duckett!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
4th-5th hall
Ms. Cooper’s kindergarten class completed their chart and earned donuts for iReady!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Donut chart
Ms. Coopers class
This is a reminder that we have our bus evacuation drill this afternoon. Parent pick up time will be 30 minutes earlier at BTE and MVE. LMS and LHS students who do not ride the bus will remain in class until 3:20.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Everyone at MVBT loves our Technology Director, Mr. Mike McAfee! We are designating today as Mike McAfee Day! He spends his day racing from building to building taking care of everyone’s technology needs. Thank you, Mr. McAfee! (We will be recognizing and showing appreciation to our awesome staff throughout the school year. Thank you for joining us as we show our appreciation.)
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Mike McAfee
On Monday, BTE teachers enjoyed lunch prepared by Oak Grove Baptist Church. Thank you, Oak Grove Baptist Church!
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Oak Grove Baptist Church
This is a message from the Mountain View Birch Tree School District. This is a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, September 19, due to a professional development day for teachers. School will be back in session on Tuesday, September 20. Again, this is a reminder that school will not be in session tomorrow, September 19.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
After a brief 2 on 2 game at the end of the day, the boys think Drew Ripko is ready for the Ava Bears tonight! Good luck, Eagles!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Chowning
Mrs. Smith’s and Ms. Henry’s students discussed heroes when learning about 9/11. They took time and wrote Officer Wilbanks a thank you letter for everything he does.
over 2 years ago, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III